What is a Family Office? Do you really need one

By Sushil Jain, CEO, PersonalCFO.in

A family that eats together stays together, goes an age old saying. What the practise essentially does is to keep the family members close together as a well-knit family. And, similarly when it comes to matters related to money, most wealthy families and high-net-worth investors have increasingly felt the need for wealth consolidation. Unlike in the past, when rich investors passed on their wealth to their legal heirs, merely through an inheritance plan, the generation of today is taking active interest in the family's wealth. Here in comes the role of a Family Office to not only make a smooth transition but also enhance the effectiveness of assets in generating higher risk-adjusted returns. Investing in mutual funds and shares is not the only aspect of your investment planning. Family Office brings in the wholesome approach to all money matters and takes a holistic approach in making your money work harder for you.

Bringing your capital and the various assets under Family Office gives you the edge of managing them on a higher platform and thus bring-in not only cost-effectiveness but in a position to utilize better money making opportunities. When your assets are scattered around different intermediaries, there is a cost involved. Maintaining all your asset classes under Family Office, helps to keep the costs low and yet maintain stronger performance in terms of returns. The advantages over the long term are huge and there is a marked difference in the way you will be overlooking your assets grow.

When rich investors and wealthy families look for qualified professionals with extensive experience in managing assets, they settle for getting the services of a Family Office. What they also get is a customized solution to their diverse investment needs catering to the new and evolving needs of the new generation within the family.

As a high net worth family or an individual investor, your investment needs and the criteria is very different from an average retail investor. What you expect and seek is a full-service platform from wealth managers that can help you align your specific needs. From helping set up financial goals, asset allocation, risk management, retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning to legacy planning, the list of services is literally endless.

There are opportunities galore in the world of investments. What one needs is to have the adequate expertise that can identify such opportunities within each sector of the economy and take appropriate action accordingly. The clients of Family Office have always been at the forefront in taking advantage of such market conditions. From equities to gold to real estate among other asset classes, the Family Office because of its unique position in the marketplace, has the edge to take advantage of the upside in any of these assets.

The confidentiality when it comes to investments and even about the client's personal details is something that Family Office takes up very seriously. Trust and commitment to deliver the best in the best interests of the client is what a Family Office professional endeavours towards their clients. The relationship between the client's Family Office and the advisor managing it has to gel well. Understanding client's values, interest and long term aspirations becomes important to generate the best possible outcome for the client. As a Family Office client, one can be assured of getting personalised services in every aspect that can enhance the overall returns of the portfolio.

Family Office works on a longer time frame and often looks at returns for future generations to enjoy. Working with advisors that can keep adding value to your wealth over a timeline that can go into several decades is important. The Family Office is your one-stop shop for all your money matters in the truest sense.

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